

Rodween Group as an independent commodity trading company by emphasize service and performance, is at the vanguard of oil industry and aromatics. We use market knowledge, logistics and global resources to move physical commodities where they’re needed when they’re needed.

Rodween Group as an independent commodity trading company by emphasize service and performance, is at the vanguard of oil industry and aromatics. We use market knowledge, logistics and global resources to move physical commodities where they’re needed when they’re needed.

We source and develop markets and invest to reduce the cost of trading and increase service levels and deliver cost-effective commodities to customers worldwide. We Access to technical and financial support, strategically located infrastructure, for oil producers like refiners, tank farms storage capacity and a considerable charter fleet.

Rodween Group is engaged in trading business by consulting support for domestic and International purchaser bridging them to the required sources, also Rodween Group provides adequate facilities for domestic or International suppliers seeking to sell their products domestic or Internationally.

  • Export:
    • Oil Product Section
    • Gasoil
    • Fuel Oil
    • Base Oil
    • Bitumen
    • Solvents
    • LPG
    • Petrochemical section
    • Polymers
    • Liquids
  • Import:
    • Commodity Section including foodstuffs
    • Machinery and spare parts Section
  • Transit:
    • Oil Products
    • From CIS To Iraq (Kurdistan)
    • From CIS To Afghanistan